Thursday, July 9, 2015

Nuphorin™ Anxiety Relief

I have had the opportunity to try out this anxiety relief tablets. Non prescription. Now I must say that I do suffer from acute to severe anxiety attacks or whatnot. And I do take medication when needed. Therefore I had to give this a try since it was all natural verse prescribed with chemical type components.

First and far most, the pills are large in size, so drank plenty of water and with a meal as the instructions indicates. Another thing that I have learned that works best for me. I take it before bedtime. It does cause drowsiness and states to not operate heavy machinery nor drive. 

With that said, I do not take this daily. Why? Well I have to drive and I have a toddler...I rather not take any changes. And with all things, these side effects varies per person. 

If you are cautious then speak with your physician before use and follow directions. 

Will I continue to take these? Only when I feel the need at at night time before bed.  

Well that is it for now, if you are interest in the product, check out Amazon