Tuesday, March 10, 2015

100% Pure Argan Oil [Certified Organic] Review

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So I have decided to review this Argan oil that I have been hearing people rant about. From research, it is stated that argan oil is a great moisturizer, fight wrinkles, fine lines, scars, ect, And easily absorbed also known as *liquid gold*. So I had to try this. 

I have been using the 100% Pure Argan Oil as an face moisturizer after I wash and put on my proactiv lotion. I must say that it does truly moisturize. I also have been using it on my lips as well since its still cold temperatures out. It eliminate chapped lips. As I have stated previously, I have sensitive skin and I really did not know what to expect from the use of this oil. I started it on the 20th and haven't looked back. No side effects, no breakouts, nothing unusual. I say this is a keeper for me. 

Now surprisingly, I have not used it on my hair yet, but on my next wash day I will seriously think about adding it. Stay tune for that. 
If you are interested in this product feel free to check out Amazon, which is where I purchased it from. Thanks for reading. 

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